Gold Coast ... Surfer Paradise!

Before reaching the Gold Coast, we also stopped in 2 small towns on the way:

Yamba where we did a mini shopping session and had a great brunch.

Byron bay which is a great town for holidays! We really enjoyed it, had a great swim, made a great dinner with perfect view and walked all the way up to the lighthouse by night.

and finally .. GOLD COAST, also called Surfer Paradise.

When we came to the city, our first thought was... where the fuck are they working ?! There was only appartments and beaches.. 😃

We spent 2 days in a campsite in Main beach located next to the city. First day, we woke up really early and went for a swim and some body surfing (cheaper than real surf). Then, we walked around the city and did some shopping.

We took our first surf lesson. It was great and we caught a few good waves to stand on the board! 😊

Next day, we decided to escape from the city and beaches and went to the Tambourine Mountains for a few short walks.

Next article > Brisbane & biggest koala sanctuary !

P.S. We hope you guys are fine after those terrible explosions in Brussels and family and friends are safe...